1) What is more staining on the job emotional labor or physical labor?
2) Are there to many restraints and needless rules on the job?
3) Does the values of the person affect their role on the job?
4) What status does the job give?
*note these are just some off of the top of my head i hope to make more as i go along
Interview Questions
1) How did you get here?
2) What did you do before becoming a bus driver?
3) Do you think you achieve something as a bus driver?
4) What does a usual day on the job consist of?
5) Have you ever thrown someone off the bus? If so why?
6) How do you deal with your usual customers?
7) do you feel appreciated?
8)Have you ever broken some rules on your job? Like what?
8)Have you ever broken some rules on your job? Like what?
9) If you could change something on your job what would it be?
10) What do people think when they hear of you job?
11) Do you treat everyone equally on the job?
12) How does you job affect you social life
12) How does you job affect you social life
Great questions - both research and interview. You're ready to go ahead and do the interview. And sorry I've been remiss on commenting on your blog! More comments to come. . ..